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Veranstaltungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultäten

Mo, 16.12.2024 - So, 22.12.2024 (Kalenderwoche 51)

Montag, 16. Dezember 2024

SFB 1277 - Journal Club on Single Molecules and Materials at the Atomic-Scale

Mo, 16.12, 13.00, PHY 5.1.34B

Felix Giselbrecht, Universität Regensburg

Paper presented: "Electrically driven spin resonance of 4f electrons in a single atom on a surface" (abstract)

Physikalisches Kolloquium

Mo, 16.12, 16.00, H34

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

How ultracold atoms scatter light (pdf)

Gastgeber: Prof. Richter

Seminar Richter/Urbina

Mo, 16.12, 10.00, PHY 4.1.13

Dr. Enderalp Yakaboylu, Luxemburg

On the reality of th Eigenvalues of the Hilbert-Polya Hamiltonian

Gastgeber: Klaus Richter

Higher Invariants Oberseminar (HIOB)

Mo, 16.12, 12.15, M 311

Christoph Fronhöfer, Universität Regensburg

Brauer characters

Dienstag, 17. Dezember 2024

Physik zusammen mit SFB 1277: Emergent Relativistic Effects in Condensed Matter

Di, 17.12, 11.00 - 12.00, Seminarraum Lehrstuhl Prof. Grifoni Raum 3.1.09

Dr. Alexander Lopez, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas Departamento de Física de Materiales

Tight binding Hamiltonians subject to amplitude and frequency modulated driving protocols (pdf)

Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. John Schliemann


Di, 17.12, 13.00, RUN.0.34

Carmen Roelcke, Universität Regensburg

Lightwave-driven scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy: atomic motion meets electronic dynamics


SFB Lecture

Di, 17.12, 12.30, M 311

Maxime Ramzi, Universität Kopenhagen

Towards nonconnective spectral algebraic geometry (pdf)

Gastgeber: Prof. Naumann

Oberseminar IntComSin

Di, 17.12, 12.15, M104

Dr. Michael Eden, Universität Regensburg

Evolving microstructures in multiscale problems (pdf)

Oberseminar über Arakelov-Theorie

Di, 17.12, 14.15, M 102

Gari Peralta, Universität Regensburg

Toric Varieties 1: Introductory parts about toric geometry

Gastgeber: Prof. Gubler, Prof. Künnemann

Seminar Prof.Bali/Braun/Lehner/von Manteuffel/Wettig

Di, 17.12, 15.15, PHY 5.1.34A

Andreas Völklein, Universität Regensburg/Master Student

Importance sampling of coordinates in correlation functions with

Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Christoph Lehner

Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2024


Mi, 18.12

Seminar - Scanning Probe Microscopy

Mi, 18.12, 10.15, PHY 5.0.20

Fabian Stilp, Uni Regensburg Lst. Gießibl

Electronic state selective perturbation of a Quantum Corral

Joint condensed matter theory seminar, Profs. Evers/Fabian/Grifoni/Richter/Schliemann

Mi, 18.12, 10.15, PHY 4.1.13

Carlos Viviescas

Complete Parametrization of Quantum Trajectory Unravelings

Gastgeber: Prof. Klaus Richter

Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2024

Kepler - Kolloquium

Do, 19.12, 17.00, M 104

Kepler - Kolloquium

Do, 19.12, 17.00, M 104

Prof. Dr. Leonid Berlyand, Penn State University

Stability and Bifurcations in a Free Boundary PDE Model of a Moving Cell (pdf)

Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Tim Laux

Working Seminar über Mathematische Physik

Do, 19.12, 14.15, M 103

Martin Pröbstl, Universität Regensburg

On energy and momentum of causal fermion systems

Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Felix Finster

Freitag, 20. Dezember 2024

SFB 1277 - Journal Club on Everything but DC

Fr, 20.12, 10.00

Presented paper: "Anomalous normal fluid response in a chiral superconductor UTe2" (abstract)

GRK 2905 Ultrafast Nanoscopy

Fr, 20.12, 14.00, RUN auditorium

Professor Dr. Jascha Repp, University of Regensburg

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Basics and Time-Resolved Advances

Special Lecture Series


Fr, 20.12, 14.00, M104

Sebastian Wolf, Universität Regensburg

Internal Higher categories and Applications

Gastgeber: Der Dekan

  1. Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultäten
  2. Mathematik Physik Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin Chemie und Pharmazie


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